Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight? Let’s Uncover the Truth!
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- Reading Time: 6 minutes
Written by - Chiranjeev Jaiswal
- Reviewed by - Dr. Josh Johnson

If yes, then this thought has crossed yours too – what if the water bottle you drink from contributes to the weight loss you’re working so hard for? Now this might sound a bit unrealistic, however, science has an answer. Water which is known as ‘life-giving’ has a lot more benefit than hydration alone. It can help in shedding off pounds which makes us want to uncover the facts, myths and some helpful tips around water in more detail.
Research on Water and Weight Loss
Can Water Affect Metabolism?
Tip: To help amp your metabolism, drink a glass of water early in the day.
There is research that suggests water consumption leads to greater metabolic rates but only for sometime. Thermal effect of water consumption can be explained through the concept of your body having to exert energy in order to raise water consumed to its temperature.
Expert Insight: A water amount of about 500ml can fuel your metabolism up to 30% for about 30-40 minutes according to Michael Boschmann.
Case Study: A 2003 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that participants who drank 2 liters of water every day were able to burn an additional 96 calories.
Myth Busting: One of the common myths is that water “melts fat” on its own, but water in the body provides the best conditions for the body to dissipate energy efficiently.
Appetite Control: The Role of Water
Does Drinking Water Before Meals Help?
Tip: Drink a glass of water half an hour before food restrictions in order to reduce the tendency to overeat.
Water also helps regulate appetite as it fills up the stomach and gives the sense of fullness to the brain.
Expert Insight: The significance of dr. Brenda Davy of Virginia Tech is that she has shown in her study that the subjects who had of 500 ml water before meals took 13 % less calories.
Case Study: Hydrating oneself before meals led to 44 percent greater weight loss compared to those who did not do so, in a twelve week study.
Myth Busting: Portion control and consuming water before meals are not the same, instead, the latter enhances the efficacy of the former.
Hydration vs. Hidden Calories
Are Sugary Drinks Optional if Water is Available?
Tip: Gradually eliminate calorie dense drinks like sodas and juices from your diet and replace them with infused water.
simply using water, reducing the intake of unhealthy drinks is one of the best ways to lose weight.
Data Point: A normal soda has roughly 150 calories in a single can. If a soda is replaced with water every other day, that amounts to a saving of over 1000 calories in a week.
Expert Insight: Nutritionist Lisa Moskovitz elaborates that liquid calories are often overlooked but they contribute a lot towards weight gain.
Case Study: Sugar sweetened drinks were replaced with water and on average 4-5 pounds were lost in a span of 6 months according to a 2012 study done on The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Myth Busting: Others consider diet sodas to be better but the artificial sweeteners make you crave sugar which is not ideal for weight loss.
Water’s Role in Digestion and Detoxification
Does Hydration Aid Digestive Health?
Tip: Warm water mixed with lemon is recommend to be consumed in the morning in order to help kick start the digestion process.
In the digestive system, water enables one to digest food more quickly, which facilitates the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of wastes.
Expert Insight: According to Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, a gastroenterologist by profession, Adequate hydration may aid in the reduction of constipation and bloating, both of which may temporarily increase weight.
Case Study: Increased intake of water has allows individuals to experience improved digestion and bloating reduction in a matter of two weeks.
Myth Busting: Detox diets generally promise quick weight loss results as they rely on water to naturally remove toxins from the body. The best way to go is with plain water, so avoid gimmicks.
Water Weight Is Not An Actual Thing
Can Water Weight Actually Be A Thing?
Tip: Drink enough water so that water retention doesn’t occur.
One exception to this rule is that consuming more water actually counters water retention. The lungs perceive dry conditions as castrating and hold water as a consequence.
Data Point: The kidneys do have the ability to purify up to 50 gallons of water each day if the body is sufficiently hydrated.
Expert Insight: According to Dr. Stacey Rosen, the Theory of water weight is utterly false since consistent consumption of water informs the body to shed the burdensome liquids.
Case Study: Athlete’s who drank the required amount of water also reported a reduction in bloating along with increased muscle definition.
Myth Busting: Reducing water intake to avoid feeling bloated does more harm than good leaving you dehydrated and retaining even more water.
Water and Exercise: This combo is the perfect match
Does Hydration Make You Better At Working Out?
Tip: For high alcohol drinks, drinking plenty of water prior, during and post workout is recommended.
Hydration has a dramatic impact on physical performance and during workout can help increase the calorie output enter into a deficit.
Expert Insight: Dr. Lawrence Armstrong states that it is important to bear in mind that even minor dehydration may lower exercise performance by about 20%.
Data Point: In Physiology & Behavior, Lawlor’s team found that caloric expenditure is significantly greater in a hydrated state at rest and during light activity compared with a dehydrated state.
The study: Fitness trainers that regularly focused on staying hydrated tolerated prolonged periods of exercising better, as well as getting recovery after a workout.
Myth statement: There is no such thing as “supercharging”, so drinking water more than necessary does not promote weight loss, it’s all about moderation.
So just how many cups of water in a day is considered appropriate?
Is there a set standard?
Tips: As a beginner, it’s best to adopt the “8×8 rule” which is having eight 8-ounce glasses on a daily basis, however this varies within the season and level of activity done throughout the day.
The number mentioned above does tend to change depending on your age, weight, level of physical activity and others.
Expert opinion: According to the dietary recommendations set by the National Academies of Sciences, Men should take 3.7 liters of water a day. In comparison, women are recommended to take only 2.7 liters, this is inclusive of the water they would get from food.
The study: If someone followed a specific planned hydration they would lose weight more efficiently compared to when they don’t have that plan.
Myth statement: Drinking extreme amounts of water cannot make you lose weight, and contrary, it can result in water intoxication.
Most of the myths that surround water and weight loss
Myth: Using cold water instead of normal temperature water burns more calories.
Fact: There is a slight increase in calories burned when drinking cold water, but the difference is irrelevant.
Myth: The body’s natural processes will get rid of fat when drinking water.
Fact: It is more plausible to say that water is more efficient at providing energy rather than ‘flushing out’ any fat.
Myth: To lose weight all you need to do is drink more water as it is easy and simple.
Fact: It is more efficient to combine a healthy diet with exercise and muscle toning and then drinking plenty of water.
Conclusion: Water, the Unnoticed Savior in Losing Weight
According to the experts at Go Fit, water can aid your general health but let’s be very clear: Water is not a weight loss solution; rather, it serves as a strong supporter for your weight loss regimen. This can range from increasing the overall metabolic rate to curbing the appetite. Drinking enough water besides other factors aids in weight loss. Water aids in replacing soft drinks, avoiding stomach problems and improving the capacity to workout, which all contribute to a positive lifestyle.
So, don’t forget – none of the components help you shed weight alone. Make sure to have a well-rounded meal together with remaining hydrated, working out and other practices for enhanced outcome. So, grab your water bottle and join me in sipping to become healthier!
- Does drinking water before eating aid weight loss?
- Yes, drinking water before meals might contain calories by making you feel full, which supports weight loss.
- How much water do I need to drink every day for losing weight?
- 8 to 10 glasses or 2 to 3 liters is the recommended target with variations depending on body weight and activity level.
- Will drinking water that is cold help in burning more calories?
- Yes, drinking cold water may increase the rate of calories being burnt as the body uses energy to warm the water.
- Is drinking water enough for losing weight?
- No, while water helps with weight loss, good nutrition and exercise are needed for losing weight.
- Does water drinking boost metabolism?
- Yes, water enhances the metabolism for a short time which promotes the burning of more calories.
- What time is the best to drink water to aid weight loss?
- For better results, drink water before meals, after waking up, and at regular intervals to stay hydrated and curb hunger.
- Can I substitute water for sodas to lose weight?
- Yes, replacing sodas with water will reduce calorie intake which is key for improving weight management.
- Does being dehydrated affect how fast you can lose weight?
- Yes, being dehydrated will slow the metabolism, and cause fatigue which will make trying to lose weight harder.
- Can excessive water intake impair the function of losing weight?
- This condition, known as overhydration, is uncommon but can interfere with electrolyte levels in the body. Thus, it may be beneficial to follow the set recommendations. regards achieving the best results.
- Does drinking water prevent belly fat?
- Beliefs suggests that drinking water does assist in losing fat, including the belly fat, but the truth is that specific area fat loses are not achievable without caputuring overall fat ajuda perte.